Day 1 Overcoming Burnout
Day 1. Go back to your first day of work and list every reason you picked this job. Was it the schedule, the ability to travel, the pay, were you going to get to help people, work outside? I have put this first because I want to give you as much time as possible to write as many things as possible. Over the course of time, there are things you no longer enjoy that you once thought were amazing list these as well. Keep adding to the list over the course of the next 21 days. The goal of this is to remind you that you had a reason to pick this job, it wasn't random it was on purpose. I understand things don't always turn out the way you planned but you did have a plan. I found that when I was feeling like giving up I was pretty hard on myself for putting myself in the situation. I picked my career, I picked a city that was struggling financially all of this is my fault I should have made better decisions. These were all negative thoughts that were running through my head, I think going back and putting all the reason for why I made the decisions I made helped me realize I made a good decision based on good reasons and life just has a way of changing things up. Its doesn't mean I made a mistake it just means I wasn't perfect and I need to keep adjusting