Day 12 Overcoming Burnout
Day 12. Today I want you to clean out your junk drawer metaphorical or actual junk drawer. This might be that stack of mail you have been collecting on top of your microwave this could be your email inbox this could be the 15 business cards in your wallet or an actual drawer full of junk. The key here is taking control of something that is out of control. When it comes to getting rid of things in your house I heard some great advice. If you can replace it for less the $20 and in less than 20 minutes, throw it away. For me this was a shelf in my work room that had thousands of nuts and bolts and screws that I was keeping “just in case” the problem was it wasnt organized so everytime I needed something I couldn't find what I was looking for so I had to go to the store anyway. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and burned out because other clutter in our life, take a small step today to overcome that clutter.